How to Obtain EV Chargers in Your Community
The future of vehicles is electric! As electric and hybrid vehicles become more popular and prevalent, EV charging stations must catch up. With over 4,000 EV charging stations and more on the way, Florida is quite a friendly state for electric vehicle owners. It’s part of the minority among US states that have adopted “Right to Charge” laws.
Most EV drivers charge while they are parked. This can be at the grocery store, at work, at the gym or at home. With a typical electric vehicle taking up to 8 hours to fully charge, an at-home charging station is the most convenient option. Installing an EV charging station is relatively simple for homeowners, but doing so at condominiums and apartment complexes can be a little more complicated.
Still, the complications are worth the benefits! Here are a few reasons that COAs and apartment complexes should install EV chargers in their communities:
- Accessible EV charging will raise the value of properties in your community.
- You can subsidize the cost of EV charging stations through government incentives.
- EV chargers will attract a wider variety of residents and tenants — most likely, the type who can afford higher rent and COA fees.
- You’ll play an important part in reducing your community’s carbon footprint and environmental impact.
Convinced yet? Read on to learn how to introduce EV chargers in your community.
Determine Cost Responsibility
First and foremost, who will be paying for these EV charging stations — both the initial installation and the added daily usage costs? If they will be installed at assigned parking spaces or garages, it can be simple as billing that respective resident. If charging stations are shared, however, you’ll need to decide how to divide fees among EV owners. You can charge per hour, per kilowatt, or charge an annual or monthly access fee included in COA dues or rent.
Consider Current Infrastructure
This is the most important question you’ll need to answer. Will your current power supply support an EV charging installation? There are three levels of charging: level 1, level 2 and level 3. The higher the level, the faster the charging process. Level 2 charging stations are most commonly used for daily and overnight charging. They can deliver up to 80 amps of power to an EV (30 to 50 amps is more common). If your community’s power supply is already stretched to its limit, you may need to upgrade your infrastructure before installing EV charging stations.
Obtain an EV Charging Permit
While not the most exciting part of the process, it’s a necessary step. To find the appropriate contact person, search under your local government’s transportation, public works or environmental department. The permitting process is different for each city. If you find yourself at a loss, a quick Google search will do!
Once you’ve successfully introduced EV chargers to your condo or apartment complex, congratulate yourself. Not only have you done your part to preserve our planet — you’ve established yourself as an eco-conscious and forward-thinking community. Your current and future residents will thank you!